Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Smiley Selby Nappy Extravaganza!

Hi Guys!

Big news!
My new nappy has arrived all the way from New York which is my home town other than the jungle. I bought this at the internet shop The Selby (http://theselby.com/). I chose this design because it has a special baby animals design by Philip Smiley (and I think his gigantic rabbit helped too) that was made exclusively for Todd Selby.

I loved this design straight away because it features a baby orangutangle (wearing a plain white nappy) like me:

... and it also features a baby sausage dog (wearing a spotty bandana neck tie) like my friend Sausage. Plus it has lots of other baby animals from the animal kingdom:

It can be worn like a rock star:

...with the tiger tail hanging down the back:

But as you can see it is the perfect nappy :


Thank you Todd Selby and Philip Smiley! I just love it!

When you come to Australia please come and visit me. I think you would really enjoy seeing where I live. Moley always has something to say about it and there are curiosities galore!

Plus I will make us some banana smoothies for afternoon tea.
Love Henry.


  1. Henry you look like Mick Jagger!

  2. Hi Henry you have such good taste.
    I love your blog.

  3. hi henry i really like your new nappy its totally cool man
    totally cool as
